Monday, January 30, 2012

Mega Church Preparation

Hey Guys!

In preparation for Mega Church I am asking for us to do some things as a group. We know that our main goal is for kids and even their parents to receive the Holy Ghost on Mega Church Sunday. This is an easy way to get the parents of Sunday School children to come to service and hear the gospel! Here's how we are asking everyone to participate in preparation:

Friday, February 3rd - Mega Church Rehearsal (Kid's Quake Room)
Tuesday, February 7th - Fast Day until 4pm
Thursday, February 9th - 6:30pm Prayer for Mega Church, 7pm Set up (Sanctuary)
Friday, February 10th - 7pm Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Sis. Melody Wedergren

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Youth Rally
Friday, January 13
Meet at the Church at 5:00pm
Van is leaving at 5:15pm
**Please wear Church attire.**
Bring $3/gas & $10/food

Tim Hawkins Concert:
Saturday, January 21st
Meet at the Church at 3:30pm
Van is leaving at 3:45pm
Bring $4/gas