Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sis. Johnson's Reading List!

Sis. Johnson’s Recommended Reading list for the Vertical Youth Group
(More to come)

1.       GOD’S WORD! Your Bible- nothing can take its place!
2.       *I Kissed Dating Good-Bye (Joshua Harris) I dare you to read it. You might be surprised.
3.       Boy Meets Girl (Joshua Harris) Sequel to IKDG. Read the previous book first.
4.       When God Writes Your Love Story
5.       *The Total Money Makeover (Dave Ramsey) Note: There is one problem with His books, even though he is a Christian writer. His view on tithing is NOT scriptural. So disregard this part of the book. Tithing is NOT optional. We are commanded to do it in God’s Word.
6.       Any other financial books by Dave Ramsey
7.       The Girl in the Dress-A book for young ladies on modesty. You can borrow from me or get order info from me.
8.       In Search of Holiness (David Bernard)- A book explaining holiness standards that we Apostolics preach and teach. Great scripture references. Church Library probably has a copy. If not, see Sis. Johnson
9.       The Oneness of God (David Bernard) A study of the fallacy of the so called Trinity.
10.   The New Birth (David Bernard) Why we know that Acts 2:38 is the ONLY plan of salvation!
11.   The Devil in Pew Number Seven (Rebecca Alonzo)- a true story and a fascinating read.
12.  * Boundaries (Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Henry Cloud) THE BOOK THAT CHANGED MY LIFE! I have read this book several times. Read it now and learn how to have healthy relationships for the rest of your life. Study it, mark it up, underline, and highlight it. Let it become a part of you! A best seller for many years. Available at any Christian bookstore. I just bought the last copy the mall bookstore had for someone. They can reorder. Check the Library.
13. *  His Needs, Her Needs. A book that will prepare you for a great marriage. Anybody interested? It’s not too early to prepare yourself. With the divorce rate at an all-time high, prepare yourself to build a healthy marriage. It doesn’t just happen! It takes work.
14.   *FOR YOUNG MEN: Every Young Man’s Battle(Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, Mike Yorkey). If you young men will follow these principles, you won’t have to live with guilt and regret.

All of these books will not be available at the library, however some will. If you don’t see them on the shelf, ask if they are checked out and reserve. Numbers 2,5, 12, 13, 14 will be the ones the library might have.

*All books with an asterisk beside them are my “money picks”. Type me a report of at least 3 pages in YOUR OWN WORDS telling me what you learned, well written and I will pay you $5. Bro. Brad Germany has agreed to match my $5, so you would do yourself good in more ways than one if you read these books thoroughly. Happy reading. Be blessed. Be changed. Be inspired. Be a leader. Be your best. Be a Godly, successful, fulfilled, and happy young person.